NEW Starrett 0-6" Fractional Decimal Combination Dial Caliper #1202F-6
$ 63.35
- Description
- Size Guide
This is Starrett's Import Global Series 1202F-6 Dial Caliper. They provide quick, accurate measurements of O.D., I.D. and depth, with sharp and clear dial graduations. They are made of a hardened stainless steel with black graduations on the satin finished bar. The inner portion of the dial is graduated in .010" and the outer yellow portion is graduated in 1/64th graduations. This simple solution avoids having to convert decimal readings to fractional for the occasional user! They come in a plastic case with a short form certification.....and the famous Starrett name!Sales Tax will be charged for shipments within OHIO unless Buyer has established account with T&S Tool & Supply or has a tax exempt form on file with us. For shipments outside OHIO, Ebay is now charging sales tax for some states. Then Ebay will be forwarding those taxes to the appropriate state, so be aware of that! If you are tax exempt with us, do not make any payment, we will send you an invoice without any sales taxes via Ebay.
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